Diablo 2 Blessed Aim

2020. 1. 24. 02:50카테고리 없음

Diablo 2 Blessed Aim
  1. Diablo 2 Blessed Aim

Level, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20. Radius yards, 10.6, 12, 13.3, 14.6, 16. Blessed Aim, Increases attack rating. 12, Might (1). For Diablo II: Lord of Destruction on the PC, a GameFAQs message board topic titled 'Err how am I supposed to aim Blessed Hammer?' Complete PvP Guide for Diablo 2 LOD. The best builds, the best items, and the best tactics for player vs player. Blessed Aim 1, Concentration 1, Fanaticism 1, Holy Fire 1, Holy Freeze 1, Holy Shock 20, Thorns 1, Sanctuary 1, Conviction 13. Defensive Auras: Salvation 1 Additional skill points: Smite. Helm: Griffon's Eye socketed with 5/5.

Diablo 2 Blessed Aim

Contents.Introduction For three of the character classes, the Barbarian, Sorceress and Paladin, the only support they're going to see throughout an SP game is that of a mercenary (a.k.a. Moron) who, for reading purposes, will be referred to as a merc throughout this document.

Mercs are useful little things and since the release of the expansion they have gone from being the most unused feature of my D2 games, to a key part of my gaming strategy.They can also be slightly annoying. Mercs will run off and attack monsters that your character cannot currently see on screen, which can bring a whole load of trouble down on your head as well. Playing with a merc changes the tempo of the game and is something worth bearing in mind.Mercenary Names First thing you'll notice is that when you go to hire your merc there are a number of mercs available with different names. Their various stats and levels will be covered later in the FAQ, but at this moment you may well be blindsided by a merc with a cool name such as Azrael or amused to find mercs called Elly, Gaile and Flux. A complete list of merc names can be seen on the page.The merc names are randomly assigned each time you visit the merc leader on each trip to town. If you want a particular name for your merc, say you want an Act 2 offensive merc on Nightmare diff called Azrael, just keep revisiting town until the merc with the name you are after appears.Merc Stats and Leveling Mercs When you are being shown mercs to hire, the game lists the merc's name and type, along with cost, defense & life.The defense shown is the base defense WITHOUT the dexterity bonus.

Once you have purchased the merc, you will immediately see that the listed defense is higher than that which was shown. Thanks to Badf00d for this info.In the section dealing with each Merc group I have listed the bonuses to the stats they obtain as they level up. I'd like to thank Jude for this idea.At each difficulty level (hence referred to as diff.), the mercs you can hire will be of a higher experience level than those of the previous diff., however their stats will be lower when compared to a merc from the previous diff. Who has reached the same level of experience. In short, leveling up your normal diff. Merc is better than hiring a new one at a higher difficulty level.Note: The actual difference in the physical stats of a normal diff. Merc and nightmare diff.

Merc isn't tremendous and there are only a few levels of difference in their skills. To give an example, at level 80, a normal rogue merc has 1290 life and 199 dexterity (dexterity).

A nightmare rogue merc would have 1256 and 194 dexterity.In short, it won't make a tremendous difference to your PvM (player vs. Monster) game if you hire a merc in hell diff. Only Act II nightmare diff mercs are really affected by this.

If you wish to have those particular auras then you are going to have to settle for slightly lower stats.The mercs' levels per group and difficulty setting are as follows: MercenaryNormalNightmareHellRogue Scout3-737-4067-71Desert Warrior9-1344-4775-79Eastern Sorcerer15-1949-5379-83Barbarian28-3259-6280-84The levels seem to follow a trend as you progress through the acts and the difficulty settings. Also note that if you go to an act before you are at the maximum level of the mercs in that act (level 13 in act 2 normal, level 19 in act 3 normal, etc.), the only mercenary that you will be able to hire are those that are equal to your level.Mercs get the most experience when you are fighting monsters of a similar level to that of the merc. If you've just hired a new merc and want to level them to the same level as your character, compare their level to that of monsters in different parts of the game and fight in that area. You can find the data here.


With players 8 active, the merc will level up pretty quickly.Mercs also get more experience for monsters they kill themselves, rather than the XP they get when your character kills monsters. Assist your merc by lowering monster HP for and backing off, or using spells/skills that effect whole groups of monsters to weaken them and allow your merc to finish them off.

Try to pick monsters that are unlikely to hit your merc hard and often, e.g. Frenzytaurs in the Ancients way. These monsters are very likely to take your merc apart quite quickly. Places like the Arcane Sanctuary, where your merc can take on monsters without being swamped are ideal.However the area in question might not have the best experience for your character and may also have pretty lame item drops. Taking your merc to Act V of normal or nightmare diff (depending where you character is in the game) works almost just as well. Alternatively, running places with many boss packs near a WP such as the temples in Act III or Shenk/Eldritch in Act V may speed up the leveling process.Note that in 1.10, act V is now populated with several nasty monsters including Oblivion Knights in the Worldstone Keep or several archer-type monsters in the bloody highlands so it is a lot harder to keep your mercenary alive.

Basically a trade-off between experience and survivability.In v.1.09 and 1.10, Mercs do not lose experience when they are killed in Nightmare and Hell diff. Under 1.08 they did.Mercs cannot be a higher level than your character and when a merc reaches the same level as the player character they cease to gain any experience until the player character levels up again.

A Tesladin is a paladin type character that utilizes the Holy Shock aura to add lightning damage to his attacks. This coupled with a quick Zeal attack cycle means the character can deal high damage amounts to multiple monsters in a short amount of time. There are several variations of the Tesladin build to deal with immunities.

Some require the build to become a hybrid with Holy Freeze as a backup skill. Others have the build become a lightning-physical hybrid. I decided on the latter method as I've build a Teslafroster already and wanted something a little different.


The skill setup is as follows:Might - 1Sacrifice - 1Smite - 1Holy Fire - 1Holy Bolt - 1At level six the character receives an attacking fire bonus from Holy Fire, after having used Might for the very beginning of the game. While not the most damaging skill, Holy Fire will allow the character to deal respectable amounts of damage if some +skill equipment can be found. This is good as the skill has to last the character up to level 18 with only a single hard skill point invested.Charge - 1Zeal - 1At level twelve Zeal becomes available and replaces normal attacking as the default attack. This coupled with Holy Fire allows the character to deal with any monsters encountered without too much difficulty.Zeal - 4Blessed Hammer - 1Holy Freeze - 1At level eighteen Holy Freeze replaces Holy Fire as the aura of choice. It deals slightly more damage with a single invested skill point, but more importantly the aura slows down all monsters at this level.

As a result the character's survivability increases dramatically. The aura also provides the character with a chance to shatter any monsters killed, a definitely bonus when facing monsters that can be resurrected, such as skeletons and fallen.Holy Shield - 1Holy Shock - 1Resist Lightning - 9At level 24 the main aura of Holy Shock becomes available to replace Holy Freeze. Along with this all extra skill points are placed in Resist Lightning, a synergy of Holy Shock, to increase the aura's damage even more. While Holy Shield received a point, the skill itself really isn't used in Normal beyond when engaging Act bosses, as the mana investment and low timer are simply prohibitive at level 1.Holy Shock - 20At level 43 the main aura is maxed and the character is dealing a respectable amount of damage. Offensively the character is very powerful, but it must be remembers that defensively he is fairly fragile due to not utilizing Holy Shield consistently.Resist Lightning - 20At level 50 the character is done maxing the main synergy to Holy Shock and his damage is significant. That coupled with a Zeal cycle that deals the maximum number of hits per cycle and this character can pretty much rip through any mod he encounters at this point, as lightning immunities won't show up until later in Nightmare.Blessed Aim - 1Concentration - 1Fanaticism - 1At level 53 Fanaticsm becomes available, as the way this character will deal with lighting immunes when they begin to show up. The general idea is to have a high damage weapon on switch with Fanaticism active on that switch.

When LIs are encountered the character will switch to the alternative weapon/aura to deal with these monsters. It's best to ensure that the switch weapon has some decent elemental damage (not lightning) just in case a dual LI/PI monster is engaged.Holy Shield - 20At this point a decision must be made. If the plan is to make this character an excellent tank and concentrate on increasing defense about the 10k mark, then Holy Shield is the next skill to complete and will be done by level 70. This ensures that Holy Shield won't run out in the middle of a fight and provides a huge defensive bonus to the character so monsters have a much harder time hitting him to begin with. Couple that with the increase in blocking percentage that makes 75% simple to achieve and this character is going to be tough to hurt. If however defense isn't high on the list of necessary the increasing damage potential should be, so Salvation is the next skill to max instead to finish off all of Holy Shock's synergies, although a few more points into Holy Shield is recommended to increase the timer and the chance to block to acceptable levels.

Say 5 hard points total.Salvation - 20If the defense route was taken then only Holy Shield is maxed then Salvation is maxed as well to finish off the damage potential of Holy Shock. This is completed at level 84 and finishes off the skills for this character. If any additional skill points become available they can be placed in either Zeal for greater Attack Rating or into Defiance as a synergy for Holy Shield and increased defense.Final Skill Distribution:Holy Shock - 20Holy Shield - 20Resist Lightning - 20Salvation - 20Zeal - 4Fanaticism - 1.

Diablo 2 Blessed Aim